University of Maryland


Job Quality Measures – Data Literacy & Evidence Building

WATCH VIDEO January 23, 2024 The importance of creating good quality jobs has been highlighted in much recent legislation, including the  Chips and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the InfrastructureInvestment and Jobs Act, as well as the renewal of existing legislation such as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.  Participants in a recent Executive Certificate class jointly offered by…

Dealing with Missing Data in Education/Workforce Analysis – Data Literacy & Evidence Building

WATCH VIDEO January 30, 2024 The importance of high quality data and data access in creating evidence for policy making.   However, data that are systematically missing observations over time or for different groups of people can negatively impact the quality of that evidence.  Participants in a recent Executive Certificate class jointly offered by New York University and…

SoDa Seed Grant Series: Socio-Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy Recommendations

Date: February 27, 2024 Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm Location: Zoom

SoDa Seed Grant Series: How Can Data Science Be Used For Racial Equity?

Date: TBD, Fall 2024 Time: TBD Location: Zoom Abstract: Data science methods are increasingly being applied to large-scale educational data, but there has been less attention on the possibility of algorithmic bias. In this presentation, we present several metrics used for algorithmic bias, discuss how proportions of racial groups impact the presence of algorithmic bias,…

Executive Certificate in Data Literacy and Evidence Building

The Executive Certificate in Data Literacy and Evidence Building at the University of Maryland’s Social Data Science Center in conjunction with the Coleridge Initiative and the Kentucky Center for Statistics is a not-for-credit certificate program that trains participants in valuable data literacy skills and how to apply best practices when working with data. Participants will…

The SoDa Center is a proud sponsor of the 2023 NCHS Data Detectives Summer Camp

Established in 2016, Data Detectives Camp is a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) camp that teaches statistics rising 6th- and 7th-grade students. The camp is conducted by NCHS, which is part of CDC, in collaboration with the American Statistical Association, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics, CDC’s Disease Detectives Camp, University of…

USDA / ERS & NASS Democratizing Data Joint Info Session

Tuesday, March 28, 2023: 12:00 PM EST The 2018  Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act charged federal agencies with engaging in meaningful ways with the public to better understand how government data assets are used.    The Economic Research Service and the National Agricultural Statistical Service have developed a new approach to understanding how their data are used that provides a more in-depth look that can…

SoDa Symposium for a dialogue at the intersection of HCI and Social Data Science Methods

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 12:00pm – 1:00pm EST Speakers: Jennifer Golbeck is a computer scientist. She currently is a professor at the College of Information Studies, an affiliate professor in the Computer Science Department, and an affiliate professor in the Journalism Department, all at the University of Maryland, College Park. Golbeck was director of the University of Maryland Human–Computer Interaction…

SoDa Symposium:  Social Data Science Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

Our presenters will discuss innovation, entrepreneurship in social data science, and creators on social media.  The research opportunities in these areas provide a glimpse into the future of these platforms regarding the Metaverse and the AI revolution in search that is now upon us. March 14, 2023 Presenters: Research opportunities in the challenging survival world…

DC DataFest 2023: A hybrid (in-person or virtual) 48-hour data competition for teams of undergraduate students from U.S. colleges and universities.

Event Date and Time: April 14-16, 2023 Location : (HYBRID) In-person OR virtual About DataFestThe 2023 DC DataFest is a 48-hour competition where teams of undergraduate students from U.S. colleges and universities compete in-person or virtually to analyze rich, complex data sets from a major organization. Students are allowed just two slides to convince the judges that…