University of Maryland


Fundamental Advances In Data And Measurement Are Required

Effectively, ethically, and efficiently creating high quality information products (datasets, visualizations, models, etc.) about human social activity is critical for progress in many domains, including health, education, climate, entertainment, policy making, and government.

Addressing the unique challenges of working with social and behavioral data at ever increasing scales, broader scope, and for novel purposes can only be effectively done by a multidisciplinary community of researchers who are able to draw on and contribute to basic research in a variety of domains.

The Social Data Science Center (SoDa) at the University of Maryland leverages UMD’s substantial strengths in survey methods, measurement, information management, visualization, and analytics to conduct research, provide education, and work with partners to advance social data science and measurement.

An International Leader In The Emerging Field Of Data Intensive Social Science

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Supporting the work of leading scholars who produce high impact data science research in support of social sciences.
Building capacity for contract and applied research in social data science in support of social science and related areas.
Graduation Cap
Educating the next generation of researchers and social scientists for careers that depend on the effective use and management of social science data.
a light bulb
Facilitating continual education innovation in social data science, survey methods, and measurement at UMD and partner institutions.

SoDa is a partnership between…

College of Information Studies

Joint Program in Survey Methodology

Affiliate Organizations

Center for Geospatial Information Science

Measurement, Statistics & Evaluation Program